'Join the waiting list for my online coaching / App: http://zacpernacomau/waitinglist/ On today\'s video I show you my current shoulder workout that I\'m using to add size during this lean bulk Rest is kept to a minimum unless completing heavy working sets Give It a shot and let me know how you go! Spotify: https://openspotifycom/user/zacperna/playlist/0XaPms1yQeOROd6EGngPYX?si=vXhqxb5MSsibXqMV1Kasrw WARM UP: Rotator Cuff Exercises // Raises : 3x 15 Reps 1 Barbell Shoulder Press: 2 x Warm Up Sets 2 x 8 Working Sets with One Dropset 2 Rear/Side/Front Raise 3 Working Sets of 30 reps (1012 each) 3A Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 3x 12 Reps 3B Bent Over Rear Delt Raise: 3x 12 Reps 4A Cable Side Raises : 3x10 Reps 4B: Face Pulls: 3x1012 Reps 5 DB Shrugs: 4x10 Reps Subscribe: (http://bit.ly/2x9fzgN), HIT THE NOTIFICATION BELL Check out my TopVideos! http://bit.ly/ZacPernaTopVideos Let Me Coach You and get your diet and training plan: https://www.jointhemassivefam.zacperna.com.au Shop EHPLabs Supplements:USE ZAC10 at https://www.ehplabs.com/Zac-Perna Shop Gymshark: https://gym.sh/Shop-Zac-Perna2 - Follow Me Twitter: @zacperna Instagram: @zacperna (https://instagram.com/zacperna) Tik Tok: @zacperna Snapchat Me: zacperna Facebook: https://facebook.com/zacpernafitness - Videographer - Hafiy
Tags: fitness , Workout , bodybuilding , muscle , shoulders , routine , fit , shredded , Shred , traps , shoulder workout , shrugs , bulking , shoulder , delts , shoulder routine , deltoid workout , traps workout , Dumbbell Press , zac perna , Trap workout , zac perna workouts , zack perna , zac perna food , bulking workout , deltoid , presses , lateral raise
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